We are welcome our new sister organization Zypernpfoten in Not e.V.

Zypernpfoten neuCyDRA is delighted to announce that we are now also working in partnership with Zypernpfoten in Not e.V.(Cyprus Paws in Need), a fully registered charity organisation which has been founded in Germany, to provide even more help to our Cyprus dogs.

We are excited to commence work together and give a huge welcome to all our new colleagues. We believe this is another step forward which will give Cyprus dogs an even bigger opportunity to find the loving homes they deserve.

This collaboration is in addition to our already established partnerships, both here in Cyprus and in Germany. We have also recently established some links to help us to rehome to the UK too. 

Our work is expanding all the time now and we will, of course, keep you informed of all developments, projects etc. As our work increases so does our need for more volunteers, so please do consider if there is any way you feel you could contribute.


You are welcome to visit their new page: http://zypernpfoten-in-not.de