Poppy – she hit the jackpot

Poppy – she hit the jackpot

Poppy has found her forver home. She arrived this morning in England.

She hit the jackpot with a wonderful family. Two children, a german pointer and a cat. We were so worried Poppy will be completely scared and hide in a corner somewhere. She did fantastic.

By now she is sleeping on the sofa, and sniffing around the English country side. Lucky little girl. I wish all dogs from here could have the same fortune.

At the airport, she was the calmest one. All the other dogs were crying and howling, she just sat in her crate and then finally laid down and just relaxed. It was amazing to see.

Thank you so much for letting us borrow the crate, I think that is what made all the difference for her to be crate trained.

Poppy and her former foster family