Benno (J)

Benno (J)


Date of birth: July 2013

High to shoulder: 54 cm

Vaccinated: yes

Neutered: not yet

Homed: May 2014


Benno was found by two tourists from Germany. He was weak, hungry and thirsty. He must have been traveling for several days. Benno found a place in a shelter, where he lives now.

His full story you can read here: Benno – a special encounter.

Benno loves people and cuddles. He is such a sweet, lovable and friendly dog. He is the pure joy of life and we hope that he will find quickly a great home, possible ground level, because he has hip dysplasia.

We guarantee with Benno comes the pure sunshine into your house. Already in the morning after waking up, he will put a smile on your face.

If you are interested, please contact us.