Becky (P)

Becky (P)


Date of birth: October 2006

High to shoulder: 50 cm

Vaccinated: yes

Neutered: yes

Homed: May 2014


Once again, history repeats itself.  A dog is purchased, passed from A to B but nowhere is she really wanted, so now let’s just discard her! And not simply thrown out on the road to fend for herself, but they wanted to take Becky’s life.  Just another example of why these dogs desperately need help.

Becky’s life until now has not been great. Although she has lived with a family she was kept outside in the garden, not allowed into the house.  It is difficult for a dog to learn the behaviours we want them to have when they are just left outside.

The shelter and death we have saved her from, but now she needs the love and security of a home in a family that really wants Becky.

Becky is about 6-7 years old, already neutered, vaccinated and chipped. She is still a very agile and happy dog and tries constantly to adapt to her changing circumstances.  Within a relatively short time she has learned to be clean in the house and tries hard. She has integrated well into the existing pack of dogs and enjoys every bit of attention she can get from people.  She shows no fears, she is happy to go in the car, walks on a leash and loves people above all else.

Becky still needs a lot of training but has already partially mastered basic commands.  Sadly, no-one before ever devoted much time to her education.  She is a lovable dog who just wants to be loved back. We suspect that she has a lot Springer Spaniel in and when she looks at people with her ​​beautiful eyes, she will melt your heart.

If Becky’s eyes are melting your heart and you think that you are the right family for her, please just get in contact with us and let’s change her life and yours for the better.