Arrival on 21st of December 2016 in Hamburg


Wednesday, 21st of December 2016, was a big day for 12 of our dogs and for all people which were involved on this day. A fly off of 12 dogs means a lot of work and organization, in Cyprus and in Germany. 

Before the dogs could fly they have to go to the vet for a last check, and then they have to go to the beauty centre for a last bath and treatment. When the time is coming some volunteers have to drive to the vet/beauty centre to pick all dogs up, to prepare the cages and boxes and to bring all dogs safely to the airport. 

When all dogs are aboard, the people in Germany begin to prepare for their journey to the airport. Arrival folders have to be prepared on such a big arrival and the team have to discuss the order. Adopters and helpers have to drive to the airport to pick up the dogs.

When the dogs are landed, all can take a deep breath in. It is the point where everyone knows, that the time has come for all dogs where they will start a better life.

We thank all our volunteers, helpers, supporters, donors, new owners and foster homes for their big help for our dogs.



Here are the arrival impressions from Hamburg: